The Mythic Fairy
Welcome to the Mythic Fairy
The Mythic Fairy page is here to help you understand emotions. You can learn how to understand what they are and how to deal with any strong emotions that come up for you.
Remember you always have a choice in every single moment. You do not have to react the same way you did the last time something happened to you, you always have the choice to change.
Imagine someone called you a name last week and you hit out at that person and got into trouble for doing that. It is not nice when someone calls you names, but you do have a choice on how you react to it.
The next time this happens to you remember how you got into trouble last time for hitting out? Do you want to change the outcome for yourself?
You can check out the Emotion Tree to get more information about emotions. Click on your age group here.
Age 5 – 9
Age 10 – 13
You can also learn to “tap” to help you with your emotions!
So what is tapping on your emotions?
Tapping is also known as Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT for short. When you hold onto emotions like fear, sadness or anxiety, it feels like they have a hold over you. You might find you feel fear a lot or you might feel anxious a lot. When you learn how to use Tapping you can use it to help you let go of the hold an emotion has over you.
Imagine if you could feel fear and, if the fear is not really relevant that you could let it go? Some fear is always good as fear helps you not do things that might get you injured. But holding onto too much fear can hold you back from doing things in your life that you may actually enjoy!
Sometimes you might hold onto anger towards someone. Maybe it is time to forgive them? You can use tapping to help you let go of any anger you feel towards someone. It doesn’t mean that if someone did something wrong to you that they were right, it just means that you let go of letting it affect you so much.
Check out each emotion in the emotion tree above to learn how to use tapping!
Have fun!