EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique
What is EFT
EFT is a meridian energy therapy, like acupuncture it works directly on the Meridian system in the body, but unlike acupuncture instead of needles we tap or massage different points along the Meridian lines with our fingers.
As well as the physical action of tapping we also bring mindfulness to our own body’s needs as we become focused on the pain or problem. In this way, we learn to tune into our body and become aware of what it is telling us. Because our body is always giving us signals which are its way of inviting us to embody what it is we are feeling.
So EFT is an invitation to tune into the discomfort we are feeling about a situation in our life. This can be anything from feeling anxious about an upcoming event, being fearful, having a phobia, dealing with an addiction like smoking, or the emotional aspect of a physical illness.
EFT is a self-help protocol and it’s very easy to use.
I will add a caveat here; If you need a diagnosis for an illness you are suffering with it is always best to check with your medical physician first.
When we use EFT we are working in the emotional and energetic realm and we are taking the emotional charge from stories we tell ourselves or that have formed through limiting beliefs.
Download a FREE copy of Introduction to EFT here.
This is from my Children’s Empowerment Course and is the Adult’s Manual from that lesson.