Boost employee engagement, satisfaction, and productivity with custom-designed workplace wellness programmes.

We analyze results from a proven diagnostic tool and create tailored solutions to enhance your team's well-being.

artificalintelligence@work diagnostic tool

To truly understand how employees feel about AI technology in the workplace, companies need more than just assumptions—they need data. That’s why we’ve partnered with bp2w to integrate their Diagnostic Tool artificalintelligence@work to help organisations gauge the real impact of AI on employee trust, morale, and productivity. By anonymously gathering insights from your workforce, this tool provides a clear picture of how employees perceive AI technology and where concerns may lie. In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, having this feedback is essential for companies looking to balance innovation with a healthy, trusting work environment. With this tool, businesses can proactively address issues before they erode trust, ensuring AI enhances, rather than disrupts, the workplace. Get in touch to find out more

The Promise of Our Workplace Wellbeing Programmes

"Empower Your Workforce with Tailored Wellness Programmes designed to elevate *engagement, *satisfaction, and *productivity."

The Risk-Free Approach

Experience the bp2w® Diagnostic Programme Risk-Free— No Upfront Commitment. Discover the Immediate Impact on Your Team's Well-Being with a Free Trial of the mood@work Tool.

Who Is It For?

  • Organisations seeking to elevate employee engagement and satisfaction.

  • Teams experiencing low morale, high stress, or communication challenges.

  • Organisations aiming to improve overall workplace productivity and culture.

The Top 3 Problems We Help You Solve

Problem 1: Low Employee Engagement

Low engagement leads to reduced productivity and higher turnover rates.

How We Help: The bp2w® mood@work diagnostic tool pinpoints where engagement is lacking, allowing us to implement and design strategies that foster a more connected and motivated workforce.

Problem 2: Poor Workplace Morale

A negative emotional climate undermines performance and job satisfaction.

How We Help: Our programmes use a diagnostic tool to uncover the root causes of poor morale through in-depth analysis, and we then design and implement targeted solutions to elevate mood and strengthen team spirit.

Problem 3: Inefficient Communication and Collaboration

Miscommunication and poor collaboration cause project delays and conflicts.

How We Help: We strengthen communication and collaboration through customised workshops and regular feedback loops, aligning your team toward common goals.

How It Works

  1. Format: Begin with an initial questionnaire, followed by a 1:1 session to discuss results. We then provide tailored workshop wellness solutions."

  2. Duration: Tailored to your organisation’s size and needs.

  3. Delivery: Conveniently conducted online via Zoom, or on-site workshops available.

  4. Price: Custom pricing based on programme length and scope—contact us for details.  The initial diagnostic test is free.

Your Responsibility

Throughout our partnership, we’ll collaborate closely to analyze your team’s needs and implement tailored wellness strategies. Your role is to stay engaged, provide feedback, and actively apply the strategies discussed.

What’s the Risk to You?
** Worst-case scenario: You get valuable insights from the mood@work tool for free, with no obligation.
** Best-case scenario: You transform your workplace, creating a happier, more productive environment, and you’ll be thrilled that you made the decision!

Schedule a free consultation to learn more.

About Me

My vision

"Empowering and meaningful, my wellbeing programmes ensure that employees feel valued, seen, heard, and have a true sense of belonging. I promise to deliver on employees' needs with honesty and integrity, fostering an environment that drives productivity, engagement, and motivation."

Workplace Wellbeing programmes are more than just a buzz word and a tick the box exercise. 

In order to truly make a difference with my programmes I want organisations to work with me to bring meaningful programmes to their workplace.   Programmes where everyone feels valued, supported and included.  

When a company caters to the needs of their employees, they feel appreciated, respected, understood, engaged and motivated to work.  This has the effect of making the company more productive.  

As a wellness trainer, I prioritise a sense of belonging and I do this by delivering with honesty and integrity in all my transactions from managers down through the lines.   I genuinely care about people and want to lead by example by fostering inclusive programmes where everyone feels their needs and concerns are heard.   


Dolores Andrews facilitated a wellbeing workshop for our management team during our Wellness Week initiative, and it was a transformative experience. Dolores focused on practical ways to manage workplace stress and feelings of overwhelm. The most significant benefit was the practical and realistic tools she provided, which our team could immediately apply not only at work but also in their daily lives.

Dolores is a realist who understands the corporate environment's challenges and limitations, thanks to her extensive experience in the field. Her relatable approach and genuine empathy made a profound impact on our team. The strategies she shared were straightforward yet effective, helping us to not only reduce stress but also enhance our overall wellbeing.

I highly recommend Dolores Andrews for any organisation seeking to improve their team's mental health and stress management skills. Her workshops are insightful, engaging, and most importantly, they deliver tangible results. Thank you, Dolores, for making a real difference in our workplace.

Adriana Taheny
Human Resource Manager
The Galmont Hotel & Spa

Get in touch.

Send me an email to find out more or schedule a free 30 minute Discovery Call to discover more.

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