Children’s Empowerment Programme
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
We all want the best for our children, we nurture them and love them from the moment we give birth to them. However, we cannot be with them each and every moment, nor should we feel we need to be.
We can empower our children to make choices and decisions that will shape them into resilient people able to withstand challenges, follow their gut instinct and embrace their personal power. We can show them how to learn from their mistakes, rather than letting their mistakes define them. We do this by giving them the tools for empowerment.
Realising that children learn more by what we do as adults than by what we say I created a module for adults as well.
What the Course is About .
The City of Illumination teaches children about emotions and feelings and gives them tools to help them weave their way carefully through the emotional labyrinth of life.
We start to form our beliefs at a very young age around such things as-
Feeling like we belong as opposed to fitting in to suit others.
Our relationship with trust.
How to be in relationships in a way that empowers us.
How to be assertive rather than passive aggressive or aggressive.
When children realise the choices they make every day form these beliefs they realise each choice has a consequence.
This empowers them to not create destructive repetitive cycles that they develop as coping mechanisms, but instead they learn to be mindful about how to react to both outer and inner stimuli.
We give them the tools they need to cope and to make better decisions.
The course also introduces children to the natural rhythms of life through nature as well as introducing them to the cycle of birth and death.
Each of the 6 lessons has both an adults and a child’s manual. You can choose to do the lesson with your child and learn together or in a more teacher/pupil setting.
The adult manual gives you the foundation to be able to teach the lesson to the child.
What is Included in the Course
Each of the lessons are in Audio as well as pdf format.
Suitable for children aged from 6 - 12. Older children may feel more empowered to do the lessons on their own while younger children may understand the lessons better when you give them one on one teaching.
Lesson 1 for adults introduces the different types of learning techniques so you can identify which one suits your child best. It also gives an introduction to the principle of emotional intelligence and the importance of learning how to cope with the more stressful emotions we can face.
Lesson 1 for children introduces them to what emotions are, and how important it is to feel all our emotions and to understand the importance of allowing them flow through us.
Lesson 2 for adults introduces the Chakra System, which are the energy centres of our body that govern different awarenesses. Our beliefs about ourselves are stored in our subconscious mind, and are fuelling our actions. For example, if we hold a belief that we are not good enough, then we act out in our lives in this matter. This belief stops us from reaching our full potential.
Even though this belief may have formed when we were 6 it still affects us when we are older until we change it.
When we understand the chakra system and how we store emotions in them we will have a better understanding of where in our body we have blocked energy/highly charged emotions.
Lesson 2 for children gives an introduction to the chakra system. They learn through an example such as how “butterflies in their tummy” is an energetic reaction to holding a belief around their self esteem and confidence. They get tools to help them release the charge these stories have on them so that they can work with their emotions and feelings.
Lesson 3 for adults shows you step by step how to teach Emotional Freedom Technique to your child. This is one of those tools that children love and it is something that they can use throughout their entire life.
Lesson 3 for children introduces them to Emotional Freedom Technique and explains how to do tapping to take the charge from an emotion they may be having a problem with.
Lesson 4 describes how we can teach meditation to our children to quieten their mind and discover what their emotions are telling them.
Lesson 4 for children gives them several meditations they can use to stop the mind clatter for long enough to learn from their emotions. There is also a candle meditation they can do with an adult.
Meditation is a great tool to support our nervous system.
Lesson 5 goes through what children can learn from mythology and includes a pdf of my mythological children’s book Lorcan and the Magic Whistle. It gives questions for the adult to ask the child round issues that came up in the book.
Lesson 5 for children is a pdf of my mythological children’s book Lorcan and the Magic Whistle.
Lesson 6 introduces dreamwork. Through looking at our dreams, we can get a snapshot into what our subsconscious mind wants us to deal with. This may be useful to work through with your child if they suffer from nightmares.
Lesson 6 is a pdf of my mythological children’s book the Journey of Niamh to Baba Yaga.
The Nature Manual covers an introduction to the Celts, and the Wheel of LIfe which outlines the different seasons of Imbolc or Spring, Bealtaine or Summer, Lughnasadh or Autumn and Samhain or Winter.
It also offers children a chance to be a Nature Detective throughout the different seasons, helping them understand the rhythms of life.
You can decide which part of the nature manual to introduce to your child with each lesson.
At the end of each lesson there is a reflection piece where the child has a chance to express what the lesson meant for them or what they have learned from it.
We can glean a lot of information from looking at what our children produce through art journaling.
You can download the art journal attached here or you can get them their own journal.