Creating Your Power Story
The biggest thing to understand is that change doesn’t happen without action. Sometimes this action has to come from a place of fearless action, it’s the not knowing what you need to do but having the sheer determination and grit that it takes to get you out of that toxic relationship or the job that is sucking you dry. It's taking a step into the unknown, knowing that with your surrender and brave action you will be one step away from the mess you may feel your life in is, and one step closer to something better.
I want to share something tangible with you now, something that you can do in the present moment that will bring you from where you are now to where you want to be.
This step is vital. It takes courage to visit something that may be painful for you, and you may struggle with admitting your vulnerabilities even to yourself. It is not a blaming or shaming yourself exercise.
What it is, is an exercise where first steps start, even if they are only baby steps, they are steps all the same.