Malpractice Policy

Dolores Andrew

Safeguarding Integrity in Wellness Training and Certification


The purpose of this Malpractice Policy is to outline the processes and procedures that Dolores Andrew will follow in the event of any reported activity or practice that deliberately contravenes regulations and compromises the integrity of our assessment processes and/or the validity of certification. This policy is designed to protect the fairness, transparency, and credibility of our wellness training programmes and certifications.


This policy applies to all individuals involved in the delivery, assessment, and administration of our wellness training programmes, including myself as the sole trader, and any learners or clients participating in these programs. It covers all forms of malpractice, whether deliberate or unintentional, that could impact the integrity of our assessment processes and the validity of the certifications we issue.


  • Malpractice: Any act, deliberate or otherwise, that breaches the regulations and compromises the integrity of the assessment process or the validity of a certification. This includes, but is not limited to:

    • Plagiarism, cheating, or collusion during assessments.

    • Falsification of assessment records or evidence.

    • Tampering with assessment materials or results.

    • Misrepresentation of learner work or achievements.

    • Breach of confidentiality regarding assessment materials.

    • Misconduct by learners or clients that could lead to an unfair advantage or disadvantage in assessments.

Policy Statement

As a sole trader, I am committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity in all aspects of my wellness training and certification processes. I have zero tolerance for any form of malpractice, and I will take swift and appropriate action to investigate and address any allegations of malpractice. My goal is to ensure that all assessments are conducted fairly, and that the certifications I issue are valid and reflect the true capabilities of my learners.

Reporting Malpractice

  1. Identification and Reporting

    • Malpractice may be identified by myself, learners, clients, or third parties.

    • Any suspected malpractice should be reported directly to me as soon as possible.

    • Reports of malpractice can be made verbally or in writing and should include as much detail as possible, including the nature of the malpractice, those involved, and any supporting evidence.

  2. Confidentiality

    • All reports of malpractice will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

Investigation Process

  1. Acknowledgment of Report

    • Upon receiving a report of suspected malpractice, I will acknowledge receipt of the report within 5 business days.

    • The person reporting the malpractice will be informed of the process that will follow and the expected timeline for the investigation.

  2. Initial Review and Investigation

    • As a sole trader, I will personally conduct an initial review of the report to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to warrant a full investigation.

    • If the initial review indicates that malpractice may have occurred, I will proceed with a full investigation, which will include:

      • Gathering and reviewing relevant evidence.

      • Speaking directly with any individuals involved or affected by the alleged malpractice.

      • Documenting all findings and steps taken during the investigation.

    • If necessary, I may consult with an external advisor or professional for an impartial perspective.

  3. Outcome of Investigation

    • A decision on the outcome of the investigation will be made within 21 days of the report being acknowledged, unless additional time is required due to the complexity of the case.

    • The individual who reported the malpractice, and any other relevant parties, will be informed of the outcome in writing, including the reasons for the decision and any actions to be taken as a result.

Actions and Consequences

  1. If Malpractice is Confirmed

    • Appropriate actions will be taken depending on the severity of the malpractice, which may include:

      • Nullification of assessment results or withdrawal of certification.

      • Reassessment under supervised conditions.

      • Termination of the learner or client's participation in the programme.

      • Reporting the incident to relevant regulatory bodies or accreditation organisations if applicable.

  2. Appeals

    • Individuals involved in a malpractice case have the right to appeal the outcome or any sanctions imposed. Appeals must be made in writing within 14 days of receiving the outcome.

    • Appeals will be reviewed by an independent advisor or external party not involved in the original investigation to ensure impartiality. The decision made on appeal will be final.

Prevention of Malpractice

  • I will implement measures to prevent malpractice, including:

    • Educating learners and clients on the importance of academic integrity and the consequences of malpractice.

    • Clearly communicating assessment regulations and procedures.

    • Maintaining secure systems for the handling and monitoring of assessments and related materials.

Record Keeping

  • All documentation related to malpractice investigations, including reports, evidence, and communications, will be securely stored for a minimum of five years.

  • Records will be made available for review by relevant regulatory bodies if required.

Policy Review

This Malpractice Policy will be reviewed annually to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with industry best practices and regulatory requirements. Any updates to the policy will be communicated to learners and clients.


Dolores Andrew

50 Knocknacarra Park, Galway.

086 9967 352

Date: 27th August 2024